To schedule a Zoom Call, navigate to

Login using your SCU credentials. Select Zoom from the options below.

Click on Schedule a New Meeting.

Here is a description of the features below when scheduling your Zoom.

Topic - Name of your meeting

Description - Describe your meeting

When - Set the date and time

Duration - How long is it?

Video for Host and Participant - Both on

Audio - Both

Meeting Password - Keep this on. Your invitees are given the password when shared to them.

Enable join before host - This allows folks to join your meeting before you do. 

Record meeting automatically - Check this if you'd like to record the meeting. Make sure "In the cloud" is selected.

Other settings to note.

Enable waiting room - This allows you to admit one person at a time. Ideal for an office hours scenario. 

Breakout rooms pre-assign - The will assign users to breakout rooms automatically. 

After you are done click "Save".

You can either copy this meeting to your Google Calendar, which would allow you to invite people to your meeting. You can also click on "Copy this invitation", to copy the text needed to paste in an email to send to others.

To see your previously scheduled meetings, click on the Meetings tab to the left of your Zoom page. This is also where you can start your meeting.